3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series – Neurobiology for non-specialists
01/07/2019 - 03/07/2019
3rd HBP Curriculum Workshop Series – Neurobiology for non-specialists
1-3 July 2019 | Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
This workshop especially addresses early-career researchers who are not familiar with the field of neuroscience and/or neurobiology. It covers a wide range of topics from basic neurobiology over cells biology, electrophysiology to big data handling. Major aspects will be the challenges of data collection and interpretation in a highly complex system.
The course aims to provide an understanding of how data is generated in neuroscience and what are the challenges in the interpretation of data. In order to reach this aim, active researchers will provide insight into modern methods and aspects (including ethics) of research. This will range from histological methods over electrophysiology and EEG to behavioural experiments and protocols yielding large amounts of data, like phosphoproteomics. Moreover, lab visits will be offered to those who are not familiar with the settings of a wet lab. Attendants should understand how their training can be useful for neurobiological research and develop a common language with life science researchers.
This knowledge will support and stimulate them to use elements of the HBP Research Infrastructure, such as the Neuroinformatics and Brain Simulation Platform.