
Prof. Mara Dierssen

Genomic Regulation Center, Barcelona, Spain


Prof. Marie-Claude Potier


The primary objective the Trisomy 21 cluster is to establish a collaborative framework for the coordinated actions of Down syndrome research in Europe. Through EBRA cluster, we wish to expand existing European networks to promote coordination and collaboration among European scientists belonging to these research networks and share common projects with the goal of understanding disorders of the developing brain leading to intellectual disabilities such as DS.

The TRISOMY 21 CLUSTER aims at:

  • Expand the network of DS researchers and initiate collaborative research on other intellectual disabilities and Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Harmonize and standardize protocols for DS (pre)clinical research, enabling better comparisons among studies.

  • Co-ordinate efforts with research strategies across European and global brain initiatives.

  • Enhance resource-sharing (experimental models, IPSc, clinical protocols, etc.).

  • Develop a preclinical network and enhance clinical trial structures.

  • Increase engagement in research of persons with Down syndrome and their representatives.

  • Promote research on Down syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities by developing a funding initiative across agencies.

  • Increase the visibility of the Down syndrome research community.