EBRA at FENS Regional Meeting
27/08/2021 | 15:00 - 16:00
This Special Event will introduce you to the Shared Brain Research Agenda (SEBRA), which aims to identify research opportunities and research and innovation gaps to be addressed in the field and to provide recommendations on future areas for brain research in Europe. SEBRA is framed within the European Brain Research Area project, coordinated by the European Brain Council.
The FRM 2021 is organized jointly by the Polish Neuroscience Society (PNS) and the Lithuanian Neuroscience Association (LNA) under the auspices and with support from the Federation of the European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), and also with support from the International Brain Research Organization Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO PERC). The FRM 2021 original city venue was Krakow, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee decided to hold the event on-line to ensure all attendees may meet safely.
The conference will present the latest developments in neuroscience research and host panel discussions on topics ranging from directions for future development to diversity issues in the academia. Traditionally, the Regional Meetings foster interactions among the researchers in the region. This year, we want to take the on-line format as an opportunity, and showcase neuroscience research in our region to the global community
For more info, please visit fensfrm2021.pl