The preparation of the Shared European Brain Research Agenda (SEBRA) is currently underway within the EBRA project, with the aim to provide recommendations on future areas for excellent, innovative, and translational research. Existing strategic research agendas have been taken into consideration and input has been collected from a first set of identified experts in the European brain research area.
An open consultation on SEBRA was launched last month and is currently underway, with the deadline extended two extra weeks to ensure maximum response. EBRA wants to hear from you in order to receive input and gather perspectives from the brain research community as a whole — may it be scientists, patients, caregivers, associations, industry, neurologists, psychiatrists, regulators, decision makers, politicians, funders, etc. — at the national, EU and global level.
Your response will provide direct feedback on the final content of SEBRA and ensure that all community perspectives are properly included in the document. All responses will be analysed and fed into a section of the final document, which will be presented to the European Commission to highlight and attest to the need for a brain health partnership in Europe.
As part of the brain community, your feedback is incredibly important and we encourage you to please complete the consultation before the new deadline: 15 May 2022.