As part of its first activity, the PREMOS EBRA cluster held its first working group meeting on the translational value of animal models on 19th March 2021. In preparation for the meeting, a survey had been conducted among cluster members about the most important translational gaps. During the meeting, the coordinators of the 3 main large networks INFRAFRONTIER, PRISM and EQIPD discussed the priorities of their networks with respect to the identified translational gaps. This included a detailed discussion on “Humanization” of mouse models, the contexts in which this is helpful and where the limitations are. A consensus was reached that considering the environment and epigenetic signatures of life history and events is important to improve the translational value of models. Cross disorder relevance of phenotypes was considered another important aspect requiring further attention, as well as what is defined as “animal model”.
For the 2nd PREMOS cluster working group meeting planned to be held in May/June, the goal is to include the views of clinicians from different brain disorder fields on the importance of the identified translational gaps and on ideas how to improve the translational value of animal models.