The primary objective of EPICLUSTER is to establish a collaborative framework for the coordinated actions of epilepsy research in Europe, based around shared partnerships and research priorities.

Key objectives are:

  • Maintaining the cooperation started under EpiXchange that brought together several large-scale epilepsy research projects and bring in new partnerships/projects and stakeholders

  • Agree shared priorities and work toward addressing these including in the area of (1) data sharing (large scale sequencing, preclinical, clinical data), (2) preclinical studies and improving translation, (3) access and sharing of research infrastructures and training.

  • Develop and pursue funding of joint research programmes of scale in Europe and beyond.

The Cluster’s leadership team is comprised of 10 internationally recognized scientists and clinicians in the field and the leaders of the seven projects that came together under EpiXchange as well as leaders from patient and professional organisations (see below). Collectively, they have supervised over 250 doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, contributing to over 2500 publications on the topic of mechanisms, treatment and biomarkers of epilepsy. Emphasising their excellence, the average H-index is over 50 and average over 13000 citations. Several are Directors of major national research centres (e.g. Henshall, FutureNeuro) and lead Task Forces under the auspices of the ILAE’s Commissions.

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A series of four events will be run

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